Unsung Heroines

Unsung Heroines

C e l e b r a t i n g   t h e    c o u r a g e    o f    w o m e n    r e f u g e e s    i n   M a l a y s i a

A voice for the voiceless, Unsung Heroines is shining the spotlight on the courage of refugee women and their willingness for a better integration and independence in society.

Brought together by Tenaganita and Tanma – an NGO in Malaysia for the Burmese refugees – in collaboration with art consultant Jihane Ferrah, UnsungHeroines aims to raise funds for the developments of new or long-term projects to help the refugees.

« Another world »

The clear blue harmony of the background, takes us into a world where water and sky are combined.                                                                                                               The animals find their place in this plane space, the crab, the shrimp and the water turtle connects the aquatic world to the earth. The flamingo and the peacock in the sky. The vegetation is symbolized by the flowers.                                                     Perched on a cloud, the praying mantis watches over this animal world, still virgin of man.

« Wild flowers »

Landscape, which takes you on a journey out of time, arid desert contrast (Qatar) to a green country (Malaysia). The natural barrier, from one world to the other, the wild flowers gives the monotony a bare sight. Hidden in their foliage, insects work! … In his garden, Saridi ensures, the balance of this nature.

Paka le 24/04/2017